Mind Blowing Science — Did it really blow our minds??

Would it blooow our minds???

mind blowing science kit

Review: Mind Blowing Science — Would it REALLY blow our minds??

Last Christmas, Santa must have sensed our kiddos getting more excited about STEM because he left the “My First Mind Blowing Science Kit” under the tree (Thanks Santa!).  Mind Blowing Science is an all-in-one kit that offers a series of experiments for kids to try.  For us, this was our very first “kit” purchase.  We were a little unsure about what to expect but excited to try it.

  • Would it be hard to do?
  • Would the kiddos understand what the experiments were about?
  • Would I be able to get things to work??

Biggest question for us….is it really mind blowing??  Let’s science and find out!

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