Minecraft camps your future coder will love!


Two years ago, our daughters were into all things Minecraft. While other tech-related hobbies took the lead since then, that summer we learned about a week-long camp offering computer building and Minecraft instruction.  Now summertime was probably the LAST time I wanted to see my kids glued to a computer screen.  Admittedly, I was skeptical at first whether this made sense. However, I learned there’s more to Minecraft camp than just coding.

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Science Fair Project: Alka-Seltzer Rocket Showdown

pop pop fizz fizz

It was a warm, sunny afternoon, when they crept inside…  Mom!  We’re boooored!  I wanted to avoid the iPods or Netflix, so I scraped together supplies to make homemade baking soda/vinegar rockets to shoot off in the backyard.  Holy cow!  Lots of rocket FAILS that day!   I may still stink like vinegar…   After working through different materials, we came up with our favorite combination and the kids learned more about acid/base reactions.  In this post, we walk through how our kids learned how to build an Alka-Seltzer rocket.  What’s also great about this project is that it can be easily turned into a science fair project… let’s SCIENCE!!

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The low-stress way to find a science fair project

google science fair idea generator

For many, the science fair project is a requirement but for some, it’s something you REALLY want to try.  Whether you’re totally pumped for the science fair or purposely ignoring it, coming up with an idea for a science fair project can be the toughest part (we’ve been there!).  Check out our tips and strategies we’ve used to create science fair project ideas over the years.

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Science Fair Project: What’s the germiest place in school?

how to streak bacterial plates

A few years ago, one of my kiddo’s classmates returned to school after battling cancer.  As this classmate returned, the staff and kids did their best to keep things clean and germ-free.  The concept of germs got them thinking about how they’re spread and how they can make people sick.  It was the further discussion that ultimately morphed these questions into an experiment and a cool science fair project!  Below, we’ll run through how our kids tried to find the germiest place in school.  Feel free to use this guide if you’re curious or looking for an idea for your own science fair project… let’s science!

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Mind Blowing Science — Did it really blow our minds??

Would it blooow our minds???

mind blowing science kit

Review: Mind Blowing Science — Would it REALLY blow our minds??

Last Christmas, Santa must have sensed our kiddos getting more excited about STEM because he left the “My First Mind Blowing Science Kit” under the tree (Thanks Santa!).  Mind Blowing Science is an all-in-one kit that offers a series of experiments for kids to try.  For us, this was our very first “kit” purchase.  We were a little unsure about what to expect but excited to try it.

  • Would it be hard to do?
  • Would the kiddos understand what the experiments were about?
  • Would I be able to get things to work??

Biggest question for us….is it really mind blowing??  Let’s science and find out!

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