The Ultimate Science Fair Project Guide – From Start to Finish

science fair board

When our daughter entered her first science fair, we kept seeing references to the Internet Public Library Science Fair Project Resource Guide.  However, the IPL2 permanently closed… taking the guide with it.  Bummer!  After now participating in over a half-dozen elementary school science fairs (including a first-place finish!), we created our own guide to help other students go from start to finish in their next science fair project.  If this is your first science fair, have fun!  If you’ve done it before, we hope this is your best one!  Let’s science!

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Slime Science Project: Investigating the Science of Slime


Slime might make a mess, but did you know that slime makes a perfect science fair project?!?  Not only can you test various chemistry and physics hypotheses, your kids can also have fun and finish it IN JUST A WEEKEND!!  For all those parents out there frantically heading into the last days/hours before the science fair, this is your winner!  Our slime science project outlined below walks you through the potential setup from start to finish.  It’s one of many!!  While you could get adventurous and try working with more elaborate slime recipes (e.g. magnetic slime, glow slime), even our basic recipe can get you a cool slime science project addressing all the requirements of any science fair.  Let’s science!

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The low-stress way to find a science fair project

google science fair idea generator

For many, the science fair project is a requirement but for some, it’s something you REALLY want to try.  Whether you’re totally pumped for the science fair or purposely ignoring it, coming up with an idea for a science fair project can be the toughest part (we’ve been there!).  Check out our tips and strategies we’ve used to create science fair project ideas over the years.

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Science Fair Project: What’s the germiest place in school?

how to streak bacterial plates

A few years ago, one of my kiddo’s classmates returned to school after battling cancer.  As this classmate returned, the staff and kids did their best to keep things clean and germ-free.  The concept of germs got them thinking about how they’re spread and how they can make people sick.  It was the further discussion that ultimately morphed these questions into an experiment and a cool science fair project!  Below, we’ll run through how our kids tried to find the germiest place in school.  Feel free to use this guide if you’re curious or looking for an idea for your own science fair project… let’s science!

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