Piper vs. Kano Computer Kit: Which Should Your Child Build?

Kano Pixel

My son likes computers, but I have no idea how to help him learn more?  My daughter wants to learn how to code, but her school doesn’t offer classes… how can I help her?  It’s a common struggle for parents.  Especially if you as a parent have limited experience.  When it comes to coding and computers, you may feel hopeless.  DON’T!  Here we introduce to two great kits that help your kids build their very own computer – the Piper Raspberry Pi Computer Kit and the Kano Computer Kit.  Kids (and parents) have fun building and learning how to code.  

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The Ultimate Guide to Coding Websites for Kids

Every time my kids mindlessly watch a YouTube video or play another round of Roblox, I can’t help but think they could be doing something WAAAY more interactive or stimulating. What about teaching them to code?? Great!! But… HOW?!? Even though I can hack together a Python script, I have ZERO idea how to teach them to code. And even if I did, the chances of them getting excited about it, seem slim. So, we started looking into different coding websites for kids – fun, safe spots where they can learn about coding and apply what they learn to make cool projects.

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The low-stress way to find a science fair project

google science fair idea generator

For many, the science fair project is a requirement but for some, it’s something you REALLY want to try.  Whether you’re totally pumped for the science fair or purposely ignoring it, coming up with an idea for a science fair project can be the toughest part (we’ve been there!).  Check out our tips and strategies we’ve used to create science fair project ideas over the years.

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