The Ultimate Science Fair Project Guide – From Start to Finish

science fair board

When our daughter entered her first science fair, we kept seeing references to the Internet Public Library Science Fair Project Resource Guide.  However, the IPL2 permanently closed… taking the guide with it.  Bummer!  After now participating in over a half-dozen elementary school science fairs (including a first-place finish!), we created our own guide to help other students go from start to finish in their next science fair project.  If this is your first science fair, have fun!  If you’ve done it before, we hope this is your best one!  Let’s science!

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The Ultimate Guide to Coding Websites for Kids

Every time my kids mindlessly watch a YouTube video or play another round of Roblox, I can’t help but think they could be doing something WAAAY more interactive or stimulating. What about teaching them to code?? Great!! But… HOW?!? Even though I can hack together a Python script, I have ZERO idea how to teach them to code. And even if I did, the chances of them getting excited about it, seem slim. So, we started looking into different coding websites for kids – fun, safe spots where they can learn about coding and apply what they learn to make cool projects.

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Minecraft camps your future coder will love!


Two years ago, our daughters were into all things Minecraft. While other tech-related hobbies took the lead since then, that summer we learned about a week-long camp offering computer building and Minecraft instruction.  Now summertime was probably the LAST time I wanted to see my kids glued to a computer screen.  Admittedly, I was skeptical at first whether this made sense. However, I learned there’s more to Minecraft camp than just coding.

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